Sunday, October 5, 2008

Think Twice ...

Think twice before you take two kids and a 15 month old hiking. Seriously.

Also make sure you go down your checklist twice. Once before leaving the house. Second before leaving the car and parking lot. LOL

After driving a little bit more as 30 minutes not counting our wrong turns, we found our way to Stillhouse Dam. It's a beautiful view from up on the dam and the girls were amazed, but of course you can't stop and park there right in the middle. Right afterwards is a turn off to the green side of the dame and we found what I was looking for.

A little park with a nature trail. The girls were excited and unstoppable. Isabell check out every posted board with information and Chiara was on the go. Soren was a different story, I guess he didn't know what to think of it all because he napped well, ate and had a fresh diaper and was ready to leave the house, but there he wasn't sure of walking. He is a slow walker anyway, so to get started I picked my 30 pound toddler up and we went exploring.

- yes, my stroller was right there in the trunk, but from what I read and heard it would not have been very practical on that trail -

We walked along a stream from the dam, through lots of trees and water and bridges and even saw a tree snacked on by a beaver and a small waterfall. Nevermind theitty bitty snake that made me jump pretty quick.

After having a snack Soren was more up and had fun playing in the water. Naturally sometimes he just has to copy his sisters and figured he was strong enough to pick up big rocks, too. Those were pretty big.

My arms were quite heavy by the time we came back to the car even Soren was a little bit happier walking by the end.

Here are MORE pictures to see. As always.

Unser Ausflug zum Stillhouse Dam wurde zu einer kleinen Wanderung. Die Maedels waren begeistert und Soren ein kleiner Stinker der auch zu 90 Prozent getragen werden musste.

Hier sind noch weitere Bilder.


  1. Schoene Bilder- wie immer lol :-) war bestimmt ein Erlebnis fuer die Kids... und Dich auch ;-) Mensch Dein armer Ruecken... da haettest Du Tragetuch oder sowas gebraucht!! Ganz liebe Gruesse, Sandra

  2. Sandra, ich hatte meine Ring Sling mit dabei, aber zum einem wollte ich meinem Stinkerle auch die Chance geben selber ein bisschen zu exploren und fotografieren.

    Es war wirklich schoen dort, dass haettem wir schon frueher mal machen sollen mit euch.

  3. What a very pretty place! I know what an adventure it is to hike with the kids, Cooper will do OK for a bit but then he is a bear and ends up in the backpack.



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