Sunday, October 5, 2008

Square Fabric Postcards - Miniature Art Quilts

I love working with batics. They always give an unexpected twist to your projects. And it's a step away from the traditional.

These postcards are just 4 x 4 inches big and could be mailed as postcards. I rather tuck one in as the special something to a holiday card or birthday card. They fit in a standard size A2 envelope.

Perhabs you will find one in yours!

This one is 4 x 6 inches and I had made it a while ago, but finally finished it up with the other ones.

I do try to finish one of my UFOs before I can start something new, but if I just want to try out something new it sometimes can't wait and has to be done right away.


  1. Those are really are very creative!

  2. Hi Nicole!
    YAY! You won the prize on my blog for the "Guess The Baby Food" game!

  3. Gorgeous! What a fantastic and cool idea!

    If I'm not careful in my blog reading I'm gonna have to get a sewing machine, fabric, threads ... ohdear.



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