Friday, July 31, 2009

Grillen bei Karin

There are some more pictures still untouched on my memory cards, also these ones until now from the "little" BBQ at Karin's house. Little is really not the right word, because her and her mom truly cooked and grilled for a whole army. But YUMMY.

Soren was also chicken hunting at the same time with more and less luck.

The big people left the chickens alone but enjoy more "plums". Yummmm. And other goodies just for grown ups.

Our silly and goofy gang of kids.

Soren loves Karin's old green house and always finds somethinf to mess with there in or out. The kids are exploring her garden and her mom is spoiling them with fresh treats.


  1. Na soviel war es auch nicht - ihr hättet nur mehr Hunger mitbringen müssen *lol* Ja und die Pfläumlis und Pflaumenbrandy waren schon lecker

  2. What fun!! Great pictures as always :)



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