Sunday, February 17, 2008

Recapturing the last few days ....

... I don't even know if recapturing is a word or not, but it's pretty easy to understand what I tried to say in one word. There are a few things not blogged about and a few pictures not posted yet from the last week especially one Isabell really wants to show off. So let's start with it right away.

Of course once a while it might happen you go out the door, start the car and you just notice that you forgot something, so you have to go back. That's nothing unusual for me either, it probably would be more unusual if I or one of the munchkins would not forget something. But being half blind, it's not really a good idea walking in the house with your arms full of Soren and whatever else I have to get inside, finally get my hands empty, kick the shoes of my feet and notice that I still have my sunglasses on my nose. Of course, I am too lazy to go back to the car because it is parked so far away right in front of the door. - No, I was sick last week. - But luckily I was able to teach one good thing to Isabell how to use my carkeys to unlock the door. LOL.


Me: 'Beeeeeellla, can u please go to the car and get my glasses!'

Bella: 'Do I have to?'

Me: 'The keys are somewhere in the kitchen.'

That's how she came back inside. I can see the missing paint on my frames, now.

On Valentinsday, Leland was so nice to bring the girls to school - Chiara had to go back, too, after she had to stay a day at home because she was send home from school the day before that because of temperature of 100.2 F. It was quite easy to get them ready for a change, both were excited fo rthe Valentinsparty in school, they got poptarts for breakfast (treat) and I didn't need to fix lunch neither after the school meal plan said heart shaped chicken nuggets for lunch. That was worth to send $1.75 for each.

But just after I send them both out to the car, Bella came running back, 'Mami, Mami, come outside, look and the beautiful sky!' So I went cold, freezing and barefoot outside.

I guess I am not the only camera crazy person in the house.

OMA, you see, the cameras are getting lots of use and lots of getting dropped by Chiara, too, and they are still working!

Soren and I managed to get out of the house to get our Valentine treats for our Loved ones on that day, too. A card for Leland and balloons for the girls - we already had the chocolate. Soren was the one who loved the balloons most. LOL.

And Soren got his own treat - Gerber Finger Food Fruit Puffs. he LOVES them. And also figured out how to get them in his mouth by himself. YEAH. He is not always successful, but getting better and better. Now he gets more tablefood to feed himself every day.

He likes to taste the container, too.

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