Sunday, February 10, 2008

10 Toes Make 2 Feet

UPDATE: Leland actually witnessed Soren to fit his big toe in his mouth and to suck on it. LOL. Crazy kid!

Soren discovered his toes and feet a little while ago and loves to play with them when you try to change his diaper. Luckily he is not trying to wiggle and crawl away without a diaper, so have fun with your toes. He usually has his socks lost anyway.

Soren hat vor einer kleinen Weile seine Zehen und Fuesse entdeckt und liebt es damit zu spielen waehrend des Windelwechselns. Da er gluecklicherweise noch nicht versucht mir beim Windelwechseln zu entwischen und davon zu krabbeln soll er mit seinen Zehen Spass haben. In der Regel hat er seine Socken eh schon immer verloren.

We took a Sunday drive today and looked at some new housing divisions around the town and a few new roads we never have been on before. LOL. Now we know a backway to the big park, too. We also eventually stopped counting all the wagons from the freight train while waiting until he finally passed and the rail road track stop. There were lots of them, luckily Bella can count really well. Even we just went to look at the new houses and constructions from the outside, one of the model homes was open and the girls decided that this house was just perfect as soon as they saw the kitchen. The loved it, Chiara went right for the tea kettle on the stove. They picked their rooms without a fight or any arguments. And Chiara was very excited about the shower of the master bathroom. She hates to shower. - Our kids are just weird.

Did I mention that it was just a model home, over 3000 square foot, way out of our budget, but really nice. I would have taken it in a heart beat, too, including the furniture - would save a big move and packing. LOL.

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