Tuesday, January 25, 2011

something new :: wip QAYG

I love to sew, patchwork, quilts, bags, .... whatever I come up with, but I don't like adding layers together. There always are wrinkles sneaking in as much as I try to prevent it. So I stck with smaller projects and have a collection of bigger quilttops still waiting. About a week ago I read QAYG. Just QAYG. I had no idea for what these for letters stand for. Quilt As You Go. Simple as that. I googled more and found a technique that made unfinished, but quilted blocks as result. It is fun to quilt small projects and single blocks - with no wrinkles incuded. Therefore I went ahead after cutting strips out of my stash and squares of batting last night. Today I sewed crazy wonky blocks onto the precut batting squares, enough for a small quilt to see how well this technique works. Step two will be quilting all of them and then to decide out how to connect them the best way.

This here is happening right now -

- Soren is already knocked out asleep with Antonio in tow. -

1 comment:

  1. Ich kenn des...... häst mich halt mal gefragt - lol!

    Wie süss Soren und Tony doch sind.....



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