Sunday, August 16, 2009

Little Birds (Fabric)

Can you believe? I actually managed to do some sewing in Germany. So these little birds are made in Germany. And got the last little touch ups last night here, ready for their new owners besides the two little ravens which I just can't let leave.
The bird is sewn out of two big rectangles for the body and on small for the peek within minutes. Then it is filled up with rice to add the weight, you add some legs, I used braided embroidery thread. With some beaded eyes the birds can see. And voila.


  1. I cant even believe how much I have missed from your blog (and life)... It was fun to see photos on the girls and little guy again!!! Missed your blog a lot.. Hope not to be behind again!!!

  2. Ich hab die Vögel ja schon im Original gesehen - sind super süss - damals haben allerdings noch die Augen gefehlt.

  3. Those are so cute, Nicole! If I come to Texas, will you make me one?

  4. Those are adorable!
    Do you sell any of your stuff? It is all so wonderful! I'm sure you would do SO well if you did!



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