sun ... sand .. water ... a day at the beach of dana peak, texas.
We are a little bit late in the year to go out to the lake about a month and a couple of degrees highe rin temperatures higher as usually, but 77 degrees and almost no wind was just perfect for a day outside. Of course, the kids didn't need more as minutes to be in the water and were digging in the sand and mud for hours. They collected shells between in the rocks and the driftwood from the last storm. We also were the only once for the most part. Wasn't that neat.
The usual area marked area for swimming at Dana Peak was laying out on dry land and we walking and sat comfortably on it. Ir was a little bit of an eyesore for taking pictures but perhabs we have enough rainstorms still coming that even the Stillhouse lake is filling up again. You can always hope.
Everybody was enjoying the sun, standing, sitting, laying, on the rocks, in the water, in the sand on just lounging on the blankets .... for hours ... the kids are worn out and by now mine volunteerly went to bed ... all three. Hihihihi.
None of the little ones were ready to leave, but finally with lots of hugs, hands full of treasures and promises to come back .... we all had to leave for today.