Monday, May 10, 2010

Just a little

There is literally not much time for crafts or sewing right now. Once a while we squeeze a tiny bit in and I do miss it, but we are just busy.

We are almost finished putting up the fence in the yard. Just a few things left to do, but the gates are already closed. If it would have been after the kids the poles and the gates was all what we needed. The literally walked all along the property line to get back to the gate to enter the yard instead of just going through the openings in between the poles. That would be no fun. Now even Soren spent a couple minutes outside before we left this morning and also since we are back I am still waiting for the rattling on the gate that now limits his adventuring and our searching and running.

But he is the best yard helper of all three of my kids. Always right there in his boots and with his shovel when I am starting to dig another hole to plant something. He loves being outside and being busy there.

We did spent a Saturday evening opening our button factory again and the girls are getting more and more creative with FIMO. Soren instead is in charge of the pasta machine. He squeezes everything through he gets his little hands on including me finished button - thanks, little pasta machine monster. But he also makes cute little snakes.

It was not done in a day, but after wanting to try out mosaic since ever and having a small kit here, I did finally do it. A mosaic trivet out of a beautiful tile with tuscan print. Just a tiny bit of Italy. I love doing it even I need to get more practise with grout - from the right consistence to spreading it nicely. It was a first time.

1 comment:

  1. Es ist doch schön, dass ihr trotz der vielen Arbeit noch ein bisschen Zeit für kreative Sachen findet. Aber wenn du verfugen üben willst oder Mosaik-Technik - wir könnten bei uns den Hühnerstall fliesen, da kannst du üben soviel du willst - lol.



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