It's hard to believe but I actually found some time to read lately, perhaps the consequence of the not running computer?! I have to be choose carefully what book I take in my hands, because if I try to sneak in the reading on my favoorite spot the book can get wet. Especially as soon as the kids are in the pool there is lots of splashing and I am just digging old paperbooks out for the airmatress reading time.
The other day while one sick kid was still sleeping in my bed, one dozing in hers and two others camping in the yard I got to sew just a little, a few seams on a little project for Soren. We found right after planning it the perfect fabric for him and he carried the airplane fabric all excited to the cutting table. 'Mine.'
While I was planting and fixing fence around the pool to stop out little dog from jumping over it full of excitement the kids got a lesson from Neva
'How to was a dog outside withe the hose!'
Everybody was already wet after all these activities, either from the water hose or just plainly from sweat. So they simply hopped in the pool afterwards to cool off. Chiara spends more time under water in the there as above.
We did not really leave the house all day. By evening everybody got packed up with blankets, chairs, water and snacks to head for a summer night of 'Movie in the Park' and Karate Kid.
The girls were lounging lazily, reading or running around until the movie finally started just when it was about to get dark. The starting time was supposed to be an hour earlier, but of course it's way too light. NExt time we take dinner with us or games, .... to cover the time. Or just hop over to Sjules' for a 'Movie Night on the Farm'.
Finally. Soren loved the movie, copying moves, ... but he did only make it halfway through the film before knocking out on the blanket.