Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pirate Birthday Splash

Mmmh ...okay ... it's already a little while ago ... June 12th.  Soren was so excited and couldn't wait for HIS special day to come and for his PIRATE PARTY. We and EVRYBODY who crossed his way got to hear it.

He got to open his presents from Oma & Opa, Karin, Daddy and us in the morning at the coffee table.

Little and big pirates arrived for the party and with swim wear as planned. Not planned was the ear infection diagnosed a day previous with the birthday boy and not use of the pool for him for a week and the another week and more days literally tomorrow will be his first day again sadly.

So besides the waterslide we already had set up and the itty bitty pool for the tiny visitors, we had to come with something else, because the birthday boy of course kept whining he wanted to go in the pool and was not content staying out.

But what are friends for ...

Thanks Hanks for helping me out and hopping in the first box.

By the way they stayed in their boxes most of the afternoon and did not give them up. lol

Except for some ugly mishaped pirate cupcakes, but luckily Soren okayed them.

Most important - lots of friends - and a few presents, too. Thank You.

And back to the water.

Seriously what else can you do at these temperatures here in Texas and really have fun. :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

summer fun

It's hard to believe but I actually found some time to read lately, perhaps the consequence of the not running computer?! I have to be choose carefully what book I take in my hands, because if I try to sneak in the reading on my favoorite spot the book can get wet. Especially as soon as the kids are in the pool there is lots of splashing and I am just digging old paperbooks out for the airmatress reading time.

The other day while one sick kid was still sleeping in my bed, one dozing in hers and two others camping in the yard I got to sew just a little, a few seams on a little project for Soren. We found right after planning it the perfect fabric for him and he carried the airplane fabric all excited to the cutting table. 'Mine.'

While I was planting and fixing fence around the pool to stop out little dog from jumping over it full of excitement the kids got a lesson from Neva

'How to was a dog outside withe the hose!'

Everybody was already wet after all these activities, either from the water hose or just plainly from sweat. So they simply hopped in the pool afterwards to cool off. Chiara spends more time under water in the there as above.

We did not really leave the house all day. By evening everybody got packed up with blankets, chairs, water and snacks to head for a summer night of  'Movie in the Park' and Karate Kid.


The girls were lounging lazily, reading or running around until the movie finally started just when it was about to get dark. The starting time was supposed to be an hour earlier, but of course it's way too light. NExt time we take dinner with us or games, .... to cover the time. Or just hop over to Sjules' for a 'Movie Night on the Farm'.

Finally. Soren loved the movie, copying moves, ... but he did only make it halfway through the film before knocking out on the blanket.

Friday, June 24, 2011

lampions in style :: made of fabric

Karin came with a handwritten pattern of simple lampion and a sample of tiered fabric lampion - probably made in china. We talked about trying to make both before she even set foot on the plane here. However we didn't really have much time for sewing this visit. With the kids home on summer break, appointments and other responsibilities time was short. After all we also had to go fabric shopping first to find the right colors for our prototypes.
We choose very different colors and patterns of fabric. Karin went with greens and blues fitting to her living room, mine were matched to the girls rooms with purple and green wall color. However I am not sure if I really can give my prototype up as planned.

The first step took a long time - the zigzag border which was needed twice and made by hand and handsewing.

The next steps were a little faster but we seriously had to make lots of breaks to get some pool time and swimming and a little bit of tan for Karin. Eventually both our first attempts of lampions came together and we love the result. I don't think you necessarily need the light inside, because even without they look pretty neat. I just picked up two cords with the light attachment on a shopping trip earlier this year to Ikea for 99 cents each. I knew I could use them for something.

No there's just the question if one of us is actually making a tiered lampion sometime. We do not have a pattern for that idea, just a simple ebay bought sample and a few pictures online. So here we need lots of planning and measuring out to make it work. Or I could simply wait until Karin did it. :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

a texas treasure :: hamilton pool

we are back blogging  - the laptop is back in working order and so it will take a little time to catch up with pictures here.

A roadtrip southeast of Austin brought us during Karin's visit  to an absolutely beautiful place, Hamilton Pool in Dripping Springs. The access to this park is limited to 75 vehicles and requires a down hill hike to get to the pool or hiking trail over lots of rocks. The kids did great and luckily we went there early before it got too hot. We love trails through forest areas after our trees and shady areas here are quite limited. The view that opened up to us was simply amazing. The little beach area filled up fast, but the water felt wonderful refreshing and the walk around the pool through the cave was a must. At other times there is even a bigger waterfall there. We might be able to see that if we find the time to go back there - sometime in fall or spring.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


technical hardware difficulties - i am stepping back in the old age of computers including malfunctioning parts after the current technology - hardware - is waiting for replacement in the mail.
that's okay - less computer more time for swimming, reading, sewing ... summer.

see you soon after the mailman knocked on the door.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

artsy crafty kids @ work

This little boy was not much interested in markers a year ago. Scissors and stickers always, but coloring was not his thing. Now he can't get enough of it. Coloring at the breakfast table till he is back in his pyjamas.
So after picking up Soren's room today we moved some things out and  moved his little table from the kitchen back in his room, topped woth coloring book, spiral book and a tin filled with brandnew markers and the scissors he sneaked from Chiara.

Soren spent the next hours be busy drawing and cutting and we all got little presents from home in all colors.

Friday, June 3, 2011

school is out now - luckily

These pictures are truly lacking. But it was really late this am when I finished the teachers' presents the kids wanted to bring to school this morning. I thought I started early enough, but the week ended up being so busy and I lieterally  couldn't hold a needle in the evening. Just like right. I am just waiting for end of the movie the kids are watching trying to keep my eyes open.  

I admit even yesterday evening I got a late start. The kids wanted to go to the TASK pool party from their school in the evening and spend some more time with their friends. some they might not see much anymore with the new rezoning again and required school change for all three of mine next year. So while the cupcakes baked in the oven for Soren's class after I got one grocery tote done after the other. Bella asked that we also add a snap for closure which fits well. She picked the blue one for he teacher and Chiare thinks her teacher loves purple. We know Soren's teacher's favorite color is orange and for Mrs. Fox. the aid in his room, who had all three Bissell monsters in pre-k, roses to keep. We hope they have some use for it when going grocery shopping.

6.19 am - 24 cupcakes were dipped in icing and outfitted with sprinkles as sweet snack for Soren's class. At that point the whole class probably or more definately needed sugar including the teachers and got pre birthday cupcakes because - school will be out on his birthday next week and it was a reason to spoil the little rugrats on more time. 

Ready for the very last trip to this school and not just for the summer. There will be lots of Good-Byes and I miss you! Call me! We are not moving. However this chapter is closed and another will open as many more too come.

But everybody is ready for the summer.


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